The following terms are associated with real-time cybersecurity threats
OAS (On-Access Scan) shows malware detection flow during On-Access Scan, i.e. when objects are accessed during open, copy, run or save operations.
IDS (Intrusion Detection System) shows network attacks detection flow.
ODS (On Demand Scanner) shows malware detection flow during On-Demand Scan, when the user manually selects the ’Scan for viruses’.
MAV (Mail Anti-Virus) shows malware detection flow during Mail Anti-Virus scan when new objects appear in an email application (Outlook, The Bat, Thunderbird). The MAV scans incoming messages and calls OAS when saving attachments to a disk.
KAS (Kas-Anti-Spam) shows suspicious and unwanted email traffic Filtering technology.
RMW (Ransomware) shows ransomware detection flow.
BAD (Botnet Activity Detection) shows statistics on identified IP-addresses of DDoS-attacks victims and botnet C&C servers. These statistics were acquired with the help of the DDoS Intelligence system.
VUL (Vulnerability Scan) shows vulnerability detection flow.
WAV (Web Anti-Virus) shows malware detection flow during Web Anti-Virus scan when the html page of a website opens or a file is downloads. Checks ports.